Thursday 29 May 2008

The Art of Fighting in Business

Karate, isn’t it too violence?
Karate, all Martial Arts are not violent; people do violent things

Is it about winning?
No; it’s only about winning; if you don’t win constantly and often, you’ll find yourself out of business

Is Karate all about aggression, should we all go and start Karate?

The essence of Karate, any Martial Arts is self mastery and victory over ourselves of yesterday. With this comes compassion, humility & love; when you can express these qualities you’ll win peoples heart, win their hearts and you can move them and lead them towards your cause; if you have the will of the people behind you, then you have strength.

How do you win?
To win, you need to be strong, focused, confident, disciplined, understanding timing and concentration

In large scale battle you need to be strong
Being strong, having strength, comes from having people; having people comes from winning their heart; willing their hearts comes from having compassion, love and humility; these come from being flexible; being flexible comes from self mastery.

What has Karate and Business in common?
3 things:
It’s Dynamics
It’s about Winning
Also Teaching & Leading others to win

Francis A. Nwofor
To Inspire, Motivate & Empower
T: 08451301064 F: 07974 426 257 W:

Thursday 10 January 2008

Teamwork makes the dream work – or not as the case may be sometimes

If you have inherited the Team from hell, you may be tearing your hair out, or if you have no/no more hair, bashing your head against the wall, trying to figure out how to move your team from struggles to unstoppable. Fear not I’m here now, Francis A. Nwofor, the Instigator of Inspirations, the Master Motivator and the Enabler of Empowerment, (you’ve got to have fun).

Yes, it is important to have people with the right skills, experience, and cognitive aptitude on the team, however more importantly, is the personality structure of the team; you see, it is the personality composition of the team that breeds and impacts on the teams’ dynamic as well as the effectiveness of the team to delivery sustained quality results.

From a layman point of view you’ll find 4 general categories of personality, the psychologists’ or those familiar with Meyer-Biggs know that there are about 26 combinations; I prefer the general approach simply because I don’t have the time to fill out personality profile for some 20 odd people very time a go to a meeting. I purely ask two questions or observe people’s behaviour (which I share in the workshop Reading & Relating to People (o on! I had to sow the seed)) to help me determine if the are:
Domineering, Inspirational,Technically Competent or Steadfast

This gives me an idea as to how to phrase my statements to them, what their trigger word is, what & how they like to be motivates and their motives; very vital insight when leading people or trying to get a group of people to push in the same direction.

For example the guy that has a domineering tendency … o! Shoot, I have to go …

Francis A. Nwofor
Fan Enterprise Ltd. (FEL)
Inspiring, Motivating & Empowering People toward Leadership & Personal Effectiveness

T: 08451301064
F: 07974 426 257 W: